Women’s health physical therapy near you: What certified pelvic health therapists can offer you

by | Feb 15, 2024 | Pelvic Floor | 0 comments

Pelvic rehabilitation during women’s health physical therapy can address a widespread need. Researchers state that about 25% of women in the United States have a pelvic floor disorder.

Pelvic floor disorders can happen when muscles and their supporting structures become weak, stretched, damaged and painful. In women, weak pelvic floor muscles can be the cause of many common conditions. Physical therapy for women’s health is key for addressing these and other pelvic problems. 

6 common types of pelvic health problems for women

There are 6 common types of pelvic health problems for women:

  • Pelvic organ prolapse — During pregnancy the pelvic floor muscles can weaken and ligaments that support your organs can become stretched. Over time the organs can lower, creating intense pressure or pain in the vagina or rectum. Pelvic organ prolapse may occur years after giving birth or after menopause.
  • Stress urinary incontinence — Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is when movements or activities injure or weaken your pelvic muscles. Such activities may include coughing, laughing, sneezing and running. This puts pressure or stress on your bladder, which can cause urine leakage. Researchers state that about 70% of women have SUI during pregnancy. During pregnancy, a baby puts pressure on the pelvic floor, weakening the pelvic muscles. Women may also have SUI in the weeks immediately after childbirth.
  • Fecal incontinence — Fecal incontinence refers to stool leakage before reaching a toilet. This leakage may occur if your pelvic muscles are weakened and thus unable to stop a bowel movement. Fecal incontinence most often occurs in women 65 years and older.
  • Persistent constipation — Your pelvic muscles expand and contract during bowel movements. If you injure your pelvic muscles, then you may experience chronic constipation.
  • Pain during intercourse — Weakened pelvic muscles may lead to reduced muscle flexibility. When your pelvic muscles involuntarily contract, you may experience pain during intercourse.
  • Difficulty of keeping in a tampon — Researchers state that weakened pelvic muscles may make it difficult for women to keep a tampon inserted.

6 benefits of women’s health physical therapy for your pelvic health

You can meet with pelvic health therapists one-on-one to discuss your condition. Physical therapy involves tailored treatment to fit your health needs and goals. This individualized aspect of physical therapy is key for women’s health.

Here are six benefits of physical therapy for your pelvic health:

  • Improved pelvic muscle function — Your pelvic health depends on your pelvic floor muscles. Weak pelvic floor muscles may lead to hip and pelvic pain. By seeking women’s health physical therapy, you can work to regain pelvic muscle strength. Improved pelvic muscle function can lead to better bladder control and less pain in your pelvis.
  • Reduced stress urinary incontinence — The urine leakage from SUI can make it difficult for you to complete your daily activities. For example, you may feel like you always need to be near a bathroom. In women’s health therapy, physical therapists can help reduce urine leakage and enhance bladder control.
  • Improved prenatal health — Pregnancy may weaken your pelvic floor muscles. Women’s health physical therapy can help reduce your likelihood of having complications during birth. Researchers found that after pelvic floor muscle training, participants reported reduced second-stage labor, urine leakage and pelvic pain.
  • Improved postpartum health — Physical therapy can help reduce your postpartum recovery period, strengthen your pelvic muscles and prevent persistent urine leakage. 
  • Reduced chronic pain — Chronic or long-lasting pelvic pain can keep you from enjoying your daily activities. Women’s health physical therapy involves a variety of treatment methods that can help reduce your pelvic pain.
  • Targeted pre- and post-surgical benefits —Before and after pelvic surgery, physical therapists can help speed up your recovery time, restore your pelvic muscle strength and function, and reduce your pelvic pain. This means that women’s health physical therapy offers a variety of key benefits.

Forever Fit can treat your pelvic health problems through physical therapy

Having difficulty with your daily activities because of consistent pelvic floor pain? Forever Fit is here to help you improve your pelvic health through women’s health physical therapy. Our team strives to address the main cause of your pain, not just your symptoms. We value one-on-one interactions and personalized care.

Our licensed physical therapists offer techniques that can help strengthen your pelvic muscles. During your first visit, a physical therapist will examine your strength, motion range and potential areas of injury. Our physical therapists will use this examination to design a personalized treatment plan. The first visit for women’s health physical therapy typically lasts about 40 minutes. You should bring the following items:

  • Loose clothing for easy access to the affected area.
  • Insurance card.
  • Photo identification.
  • List of current medications.
  • A referral (if you have one).
  • Related test results.

Contact our team today for more information about women’s health physical therapy or to schedule an initial appointment.

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