Pelvic Rehabilitation

Your pelvic floor is a group of muscles located between your pubic bone and tailbone. These muscles are responsible for supporting several of your important organs, including your bowels and bladder. For females, the pelvic floor also includes the uterus. When this area is weakened or dysfunctioning, it can cause issues that interfere with your daily activities, such as leaking urine or constipation.

If your pelvic area isn’t properly functioning, then it’s time to explore the treatment options that can help. At Forever Fit, we offer pelvic rehabilitation as a physical therapy treatment. We want to help you keep your pelvis as healthy and strong as possible.

What Is Pelvic Rehabilitation?

The goal of pelvic rehabilitation is to help alleviate symptoms of pelvic pain as well as pelvic floor dysfunction. Pelvic rehab is centered on strengthening the affected muscles. Strong pelvic muscles can help control your urination and bowel movements. They can also make sure that your organs are properly supported.

Pelvic rehabilitation can include physical therapy treatment options, including:

Therapeutic exercises

One of the key elements of pelvic rehabilitation is muscle strengthening. Strength training for your weak or damaged pelvic muscles will decrease urinary leakage as well as pelvic pressure. A physical therapist will help you increase the strength of your pelvic floor and core muscles with a targeted exercise plan.

Muscle stimulation
Not only can a physical therapist show you how to strengthen your pelvic floor muscles, but pelvic rehabilitation can help you stimulate them as well. A therapist can use electrical stimulation to retrain the muscles to properly contract. Muscles have to contract to stop the flow of urine as well as control your bladder and bowels.
Bladder training
We all know that sometimes it takes a few minutes to get to the closest bathroom. A physical therapist can help reduce incontinence by teaching you techniques that can control your bladder until you’re able to get to a toilet. There are also techniques to help you completely empty your bladder.

Who Needs Pelvic Rehabilitation?

Public rehabilitation targets the pelvic region, which includes both the pelvis and the pelvic floor. While the pelvic floor consists of muscles and connective tissue, the pelvis is the bony structure that protects your abdominal organs and supports your spine. Most issues that require pelvic rehabilitation stem from pelvic floor issues.

Pelvic rehabilitation can be beneficial to anyone who’s struggling with:


Urinary incontinence.


Abnormal urination.


Chronic pelvic pain.

Women often seek pelvic rehabilitation after having a baby. The pelvic floor muscles support the baby during pregnancy, then stretch during childbirth. The muscles can weaken and cause pelvic floor dysfunction.

Forever Fit Provides Pelvic Rehabilitation to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

Struggling with issues like incontinence or chronic pelvic pain can impact your quality of life, but there are ways to help. With pelvic rehabilitation, physical therapists at Forever Fit can show you techniques that will strengthen your pelvic muscles so that you can properly go to the bathroom, support your organs and even boost your sexual function.

Contact our team today for more information or to schedule an initial appointment.