
4 Tips For Correct Backpack Wear For Your Child

4 Tips For Correct Backpack Wear For Your Child

It’s about that time when the teacher sends out school supply lists, parents are back-to-school shopping and kids are desperately trying to hold on to what’s left of the summer but, at the same time, they’re excited to pick out a new backpack! We all know the...

5 Myths About Lower Back Pain

5 Myths About Lower Back Pain

Did you know that 8 in 10 adults will experience lower back pain? It is the single greatest cause of lost time from work in the world. So why is back pain so common?  The back has many different structures involved in supporting us in all different positions and...

3 Types of Exercises to Help Manage Knee Osteoarthritis

3 Types of Exercises to Help Manage Knee Osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis of the knee occurs when two types of cartilage at the knee wear away. The articular cartilage is the cartilage that lines the bones that make up your knee joint to help decrease friction. The fibrous cartilage acts as a shock absorber at the knee. This...

Osteoporosis – What Type of Exercise is Right For Me?

Osteoporosis – What Type of Exercise is Right For Me?

Osteoporosis (porous bone)  is a disease that affects the bones, causing them to break easily. The breaks occur because the body is unable to make new bone, loses too much bone or both. This can lead to fractures that occur as the result of a fall or from something as...

Frozen Shoulder: What Is It and What Can I Do About It?

Frozen Shoulder: What Is It and What Can I Do About It?

Frozen shoulder is clinically known as adhesive capsulitis. The most common symptoms of frozen shoulder is stiffness. The stiffness tends to increase over time and can lead to severe limitations in shoulder motion and function. There is no known cause, but it is often...

Get Started Safely With Weight Training

Get Started Safely With Weight Training

Are you hoping to get a healthier start this new year?  If you want to feel stronger you are likely considering a weight training program but might be a little hesitant about getting started.  While starting a new type of exercise can be intimidating, it can also be...

Online Physical Therapy: What is it?

Online Physical Therapy: What is it?

The ongoing Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has healthcare providers across the country re-evaluating the best way to care for their patients. In recent press conferences, the US Government has urged both patients and providers to consider the use of telehealth...

The Correct Way to Breathe During Exercise

The Correct Way to Breathe During Exercise

“Make sure you’re breathing!” is a phrase that can be heard in almost every exercise video or workout class you can find, but does anyone really know exactly what that means and why it is so important to breathe correctly while you’re exercising?   Diaphragm vs...

Can Dry Needling Help With My Pain

Can Dry Needling Help With My Pain

What is dry needling?  Trigger point dry needling treats myofascial pain. What then is myofascial pain, you ask? “Myofascial” has two parts. “Myo” refers to muscles, and “fascia” refers to the tissues that connect your muscles. Sometimes, everyone’s muscles get...

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