Looking for pediatric physical therapy services in Maryland? Try our Crofton location

by | Aug 25, 2024 | Physical Therapy

Physical therapy has a reputation as a type of treatment for older patients and injured athletes. But it helps people of all ages rehabilitate and achieve wellness goals, starting with newborns. At Forever Fit, we help children with genetic, brain, spine and nerve disorders as well as musculoskeletal issues and sports injuries.

This article introduces our approach to pediatric physical therapy. It also lists nine pediatric conditions we treat at our Crofton, Maryland, location.

Who can my family trust with pediatric physical therapy in Crofton?

Many parents don’t know what to look for in a pediatric PT. With patients of any age, a physical therapist should spend the first several sessions getting to know who they’re working with. We begin with a lot of questions, some physical examinations, and a little bonding. With infants, this might mean holding them and soothing them. With children, we build a rapport by getting on their level and keeping them engaged. Our pediatric PTs are compassionate, patient and energetic.

We make sure our pediatric PTs have plenty of experience working with children of all ages from birth through their teen years. You can trust the pediatric PTs at our Crofton location to help your child reach their potential with care and expertise. 

9 pediatric conditions we treat at our Crofton physical therapy clinic

Children’s physical therapy looks a lot like play. However, it’s a carefully crafted session that helps kids learn to move their bodies in a safe environment. Our PTs know how to meet children where they are in their physical and social development and gently encourage them to grow. The goal is to help children feel a sense of satisfaction when they make progress.

Most of the infants we treat in physical therapy need help with developmental milestones, building strength or relieving pain from medical conditions. In these cases, it’s the PT doing a lot of the work. We’re careful with each child because we know that their condition and their temperament are unique.

We treat the following pediatric conditions at our physical therapy clinic in Crofton, Maryland:

  • Torticollis — Some babies are born with this condition, characterized by a stiff neck that keeps their head turned to the side. We guide them through gentle exercises to safely loosen up their neck muscles so they can achieve the proper range of motion.
  • Muscular dystrophies — These genetic conditions are often diagnosed between ages 3 and 6. While there is no cure yet, we can help children achieve as much independence as possible through physical therapy.
  • Motor developmental delays — Some infants and toddlers need a little help reaching their movement milestones. Sometimes it’s because of an underlying condition, but not always. We design activities that help each child learn to balance, move and walk to the best of their ability.
  • Scoliosis — This spinal deformity can cause other health problems as your child gets older. Physical therapy treatments help keep your child’s spine flexible as it grows. We can help you find the right brace for your child, if necessary, and regular PT sessions ensure that their spine’s growth will be monitored.
  • Orthopedic injuries — This includes all kinds of injuries to the musculoskeletal system. We help facilitate healthy movement and circulation to support your child’s natural healing process. We also use braces, splints, headgear and other equipment to keep your child’s anatomy aligned as they heal.
  • Repetitive strain injuries — Growing children are susceptible to repetitive strain injuries when they put stress on certain parts of the body for a prolonged period. Some common examples include wheelchair use, wearing a heavy backpack and sports injuries. We use stretches and exercises to create balance and rehabilitate injured muscles and tissue.
  • Osgood-Schlatter disease — During growth spurts, children may develop some swelling and irritation below their knee where the patellar tendon attaches to the shinbone. Children who play sports may be more susceptible, and a lot of rest is recommended. Treatments help reduce pain and swelling during the healing process.
  • Toe-walking — Most children who walk on their toes as young toddlers grow out of it by 2 years old. However, if they don’t, physical therapy can help correct their stride. It’s important to rehabilitate toe-walking to prevent other issues like weak ankles, poor balance and falls.
  • Hip dysplasias secondary to breech delivery — Babies who are born feetfirst will sometimes have a displaced or deformed hip joint. We help with gentle stretches and use a harness, if necessary, to help your child’s hip back into place as they grow.

Explore pediatric PT services at Forever Fit in Crofton

We’re inspired by the resilience and courage of our pediatric patients every day. At the same time, we know these children need a lot of love to recover and rehabilitate. At Forever Fit, our pediatric PTs serve kids because it’s their passion. As a team, we care about creating a positive healing experience for every child who comes through our doors.

Are you in search of a pediatric PT for your family? Let’s talk about what your kid needs to thrive. Contact our team today for more information or to schedule your first appointment.

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