Does Physical Therapy Work?
Why Choose Physical Therapy
Cost Effective

Physical therapists do not prescribe or rely on opiod medication to provide pain relief. Physical therapists integrate manual technique, therapeutic exercise, education, motor control training, and modalities like heat, ice, and electric muscle stimulation to achieve pain relief. In physical therapy, your own body’s healing processes get you back to living pain-free.
Surgical procedures, no matter how common, always carry a degree of risk; similarly, opiod medication carries harsh side effects. Both options are heavily relied on for treating pain in the United States. Of all the choices, physical therapy is the safest as it comes without no side effects, risk of infection, or risk of physiological addiction.

Physical therapy can fix habitual movements before they lead to chronic pain or injury, help you avoid injury recurrence, and improve surgical outcomes if surgical intervention becomes inevitable. PTs at Forever Fit will treat the root cause of your symptoms instead of just providing brief relief from pain. Physical therapy is an evidence-based discipline that fosters active participation in your own health and wellness outcomes.
For Everyone
Physical therapy is not just for athletes, for after an injury, or for after a surgery. Physical therapy can help eradicate or alleviate all types of musculoskeletal aches and pains. Physical therapists can help slow the progression of degenerative or neurological disease that affects your strength and mobility, thus improving quality of life. PTs can help with walking balance, preventing fall injury in aging populations and extending independent living.